Kevin Montalvá Minguet

I am a student of Computer Engineering, and a programmer (and many other things) in my spare time.

My career

I study the third year of a degree on Computer Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, in Spain.

In 2012 I was awarded the Telefonica six-month scholarship Talentum, in which I built the website Obsidiana TV, which I currently maintain. I am the project main developer, though I am not the designer.

My work

To show how I code, I have uploaded some little HTML5 games/experiments to the code section of this site. You can check them out or peek at my Github profile where I store some useful repositories which I have frequently reused and polished. There is also my Emacs setup (.emacs.d), which is my pride and joy.


I am not a designer (though I try to do my best), so I hope my projects are scored for their code and backend, and not for their design.